
Google 5 Star Rating

What Makes A Dentist Get A 5 Star Rating?

Dentists are required to keep up their continuing education not only to put out the best quality dentistry and overall care they possibly can but to also must meet the standard when it comes to current and updated mandates that have to do with the safety and health regarding their patients and employees.

Infection control is a doozy and believe me offices can vary! If your state of consciousness as a patient goes south while visiting your dentist they must be trained regarding medical emergencies, basic life support/AED trained.

HIPAA has do with how your dentist handles your Protected Health Information (PHI). PHI is everything your dentist generates about you as a patient in his or her practice. Going electronic, securing their technology, backing up your data, background checks on employees and many written policies and procedures that back up how compliant they are.

Physicians Compliance Connection has been working with the dental community for over 20 years regarding quality and standard of operations for dental practices. Google your dentist today and look for their 5 star review from Physicians Compliance Connection!

Vicki-M-5332-683x1024Here you will find the most popular connections relating to compliance.

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